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Ortega-Sánchez, Y.-X., & Santafé-Rojas , A.-K. . (2022). Entrepreneurial Experiences of the Dairy Sector in the Province of Pamplona: A Post-pandemic View. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 21(1), 147–158. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.5711
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The changes currently faced by organizations worldwide as a result of the different paradigms of the environment, lead to reflect on the dynamics of companies in the dairy sector. In this sense, the aim of the research is to disseminate the post-pandemic business experiences of the dairy sector in the province of Pamplona (Colombia). The interpretivist paradigm, the qualitative approach and the life history method applied to the five entrepreneurs of the sector were evaluated. As a result, it was observed that the dairy business sector in the province of Pamplona has adapted to the contingencies imposed by the market, boosting the production and marketing of its products in the post-pandemic context. In addition, the experiences of most of the entrepreneurs have been positive, specifically in the strategic financial capacity to maintain or increase the sale of products. Similarly, the strategic management capacity allowed the entrepreneurial spirit to continue the business process in spite of adversities. However, the dynamic strategic capacity was affected due to changes in lifestyle and their impact on the emotional aspect. Finally, the overall entrepreneurial capabilities allowed the development of strategies for the dairy sector contributing to the competitiveness of the region.



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