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Pérez Martínez, A., & Rodríguez Fernández, A. (2024). Analysis of heuristics and cognitive biases in sports predictions. Irrationality in predictions. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 23(1), 3–14. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.7021
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This article aims to analyze the presence of heuristics and cognitive biases that affect the prediction of sports results, based on the application of a theoretically oriented experiment designed for this purpose. To do this, a quantitative methodology is used, and a theoretically oriented pre-experiment is created, based on the formation of three random sample groups, using a previously designed reagent. 264 university students participated, divided into 3 groups. The Chi-Square statistician, effect size analysis, and percentage analysis using histograms and mode were used to analyze the results. The statistical results show that, when comparing the results of the studies, the presence of heuristics cognitive biases, and emotional aspects in sports predictions is evident. The results point to overconfidence in prior knowledge, experience, and intuition, undervaluation of statistical information, and influence of affective components in sports prediction decisions.



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