

Cómo citar
Carbullanca Núñez, César. 2017. «The Emergence of Suffering Self. A Study about Lists and Social Structures in the Antiquity». Franciscanum 59 (167):247-75. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.2846.
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This article adopt the perspective of de Sciences of religion for to show the existence of the literary genre of lists in Antiquity and Palestine during the post-exile, which were used to systematize and legitimize ideologically certain groups or interests religious-cultural. In Antiquity, there are lists of gods, angels, and kings. In this context, we find in late Judaism, upon the return from exile, other propheticeschatological lists in which marginal individuals are transformed into political persons. This show a revolutionary change in relation to the Greco-Roman secular context, that is, the emergence in propheticapocalyptic texts of lists of marginal subjects that begin to occupy a literary-social space.

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