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Fernandes, Leonardo Agostini. (2021) 2021. “Rhetorical Analysis of the Dt 30:11-14”. Franciscanum 63 (176). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.4837.
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After a brief introduction, the segmented translation of the Hebrew text is presented, with some remarks of the textual criticism. The segmentation has made easier the perception and the understanding of the text organization: a symmetrical structure. The study proceeds with the rhetorical analysis, pointing elements of both of Semitic and Greco-Latin logic. In this perspective, it is understandable the critical speech of Moses. By the nature of the book of Deuteronomy’s narrative, as by the possession of the torah book, the people will experience two outcomes: the death of its great leader and the entry into the land of Canaan, under the guidance of a successor: Joshua.



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