

How to Cite
Diaz Kayel, Bárbara, and José Ramiro Podetti. 2020. “Protestantism and the II Vatican Council: An Original Thesis by Alberto Methol Ferré”. Franciscanum 62 (173):1-18. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.4066.
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During the last 500 years, Catholics and Protestants have been separated from one another, and have been frequently hostile. A deep change occurred with Vatican II. The Latin-American contemporary thinker Alberto Methol Ferré considers that, though the Catholic Church was, at first, defensive in the face of two great challenges of Modernity, Reformation and Enlightenment, this attitude changed since the Second Vatican Council, when Catholicism assumed the most valuable contributions of both traditions. In this article we will analyze Methol Ferre’s thesis in reference to Reformation, especially the following issues: Church and baptism, laity and common priesthood of the faithful.



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