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Gonzaga, Waldecir, and Doaldo Ferreira Belem. 2022. “Rethorical Analysis of 2 Peter 3,14-16”. Franciscanum 64 (178). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5582.
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The present work aims at an exegesis of the pericope of 2Pd 3,14-16, belonging to one of the Catholic and Deuterocanonical Letters of the New Testament. For that, we will use the rules of Biblical Semitic Rhetorical Analysis, proposed by the french scholar Roland Meynet, and, through this method, we can verify the centrality of the pauline Scriptures and the problem about their correct interpretation. Far from overvaluing these writings, the hagiographer complains that not only are these distorted, but the other Scriptures as well. This centrality places Paul as an example to be followed by the faithful, who are truly opposed to the “false teachers”, who, disqualifying the Scriptures, place themselves diametrically opposed to the “beloved Paul”.



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