

How to Cite
Prieto Galindo, Fredy Hernán. 2024. “Didactics and Teaching of Philosophy: Comparative Analysis of Literature Reviews 1990-2022”. Franciscanum 66 (181):1-38. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.6429.
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In this text I analyze some states of the art on the didactics and teaching of philosophy that have been carried out outside of Colombia in the last three decades. After searching various databases and consulting experts on the subject, I only found 8 systematic studies in the literature: in Brazil, the United States, France, New Zealand and England. The most relevant fact may be that in the texts found, the didactics of philosophy does not appear as a central category in reflection and research on the teaching of philosophy. Likewise, the interest of Anglophone thinkers in empirical and quantitative research on philosophy for children is clearly seen, especially from the perspective of Matthew Lipman, but not “traditional” philosophy in secondary education. Finally, it is clear that more applied research is needed in Central and South America and more philosophical and pedagogical reflection on the didactics and teaching of traditional philosophy in English-speaking countries.



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