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Casallas Colorado, Diana Milena, and Juan David Muriel Mejía. 2024. “Viviendo La Gracia Bautismal: Reflexiones Desde El Pasaje De Lc. 20, 45 - 21, 6”. Franciscanum 66 (181):1-38. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.6535.
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This article proposes a comprehensive analysis of the passage from Lk. 20, 45 - 21, 1; 6 as a literary unit, using the narrative method to enrich both exegesis and systematic theology and the praxis of the ecclesial community. The passage in question is presented as an illustration of Jesus' teaching to his disciples and, at the same time, as a denunciation of the dominant religious system at his time. The text highlights several characteristic aspects of the denounced religious system. In addition, the predominant presence of the scribes stands out, who exercised a great influence in the religious and social context of that time. The relationship with the temple is also mentioned, which constitutes a fundamental component in the religious and social life of the time. Likewise, it addresses the influence of the rich and the situation of the widow, which reflects the existing injustices and inequalities. However, the passage goes beyond its denouncing aspect and proposes new ways of relating from a vital existence perspective. Jesus exposes and condemns the abuse of power within the religious community, inviting his disciples to maintain a healthy spiritual relationship based on a solid faith, rooted in a just social life. The article is structured in two main parts. The first part explores the narrative method as a tool to update and understand the text in a contemporary context, while the second part highlights the teachings that emanate from the text and its applicability to the ecclesial community, through the concepts of denunciation. and normalization. The writing emphasizes the need for the Church to adopt a new relationship with God and the sacred, based on baptismal grace, which is a gift to the community.


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