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Corrêa Lima, Maria de Lourdes, Samuel Brandão de Oliveira, Fabio da Silveira Siqueira, and Doaldo Ferreira Belem. 2024. “Divine Intervention and the Renewal of Judah-Jerusalem: Study of Zc 12,1–13,6”. Franciscanum 66 (181):1-44. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.6536.
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Chapters 9 to 14 of the book of Zechariah include texts that are most difficult to interpret in the Old Testament, with an imaginary that is sometimes extremely complex. In the context of the general theme of the bloc – the renewal of Judah-Jerusalem, with broad eschatological features – the political situation occupies a privileged place, focusing on the house of David, accompanied by the spiritual renewal of the members of the people. Following this broader perspective of the block, the passage of Zc 12.1–13.6 offers, however, many difficulties. In order to unravel the aspects of such renewal in this particular passage, the present study is developed. To this goal, we will start from the exegetical analysis of the sections of the text, which will lay the basis that will lead to the identification of the structural and characteristic aspects involved in the new projected reality.


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