

How to Cite
Prada Londoño, Manuel Alejandro. 2015. “The Idea of Recognition in Hegel’s Jena. A Reading With Paul Ricoeur”. Franciscanum 57 (163):87-123. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.683.
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The article is developed in the following sections: in the introduction
we expose the reasons leading Ricoeur to read two Hegel’s
works written in the Jena period: System of Ethical Life and Real Philosophy. In paragraphs 1 and 2 we will review how Hegel points out different areas of recognition articulated to ethical life development, first in its natural form and then in its absolute form, and marked by a negativity all their own. Also we will check how the transit from active voice to passive voice appears and consolidates as a crucial moment of recognition. The last section presents some considerations on the dialectic between self and the other which are in the basis of the Hegelian approach, and includes some of the problems identified by Ricoeur in Hegel’s philosophy of recognition.



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