

How to Cite
Mejía Hincapié, Néstor Iván. 2015. “Convertibility Between Being, Spirit and Gift. The Ontodology of Claude Bruaire”. Franciscanum 57 (163):177-95. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.702.
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The present philosophical dissertation is registered within the
philosophical theology area; we believe in the possibility, at the present time and mainly in the necessity of a reflection on the «being as a being». In our case, this reflection is carried out starting from the comprehensive reading of the French philosopher’s thought, Claude Bruaire (1932-1986) who finds that the «being as a being» is conceived as a spirit that is donated. We seek to show the convertibility, in terms of identity, among being, spirit and gift.

If the Bruairian’s proposal allows thinking the being as a spirit,
freedom or gift, it is because these terms are convertible or co-extensive; they express an only ternary act of the being’s self-constitution, in fact by means of a donation of itself, for itself, in itself; this act is conceived as reflection.



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