

How to Cite
Arenas, Sandra. 2015. “Revisiting Catholicity: Challenges to the Unity of the Church in a «Sliver» World”. Franciscanum 57 (163):303-24. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.720.
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Contemporary Catholic theological debate on catholicity claims
to recover a qualitative conception of catholicity, in order to correct
its classical emphasis on its geographical breadth. The tendencies
to identify catholicity with universality, to confuse universality with
uniformity and to equate continuity with immutability, prevented the
Church from developing a holistic approach to catholicity. In facing
the challenge of globalization, Christianity can offer an alternative
way of togetherness in diversity, which seems to be the current translation of the theological category of the catholicity of the Church. This article’s focus will be therefore on the role and significance of community building and the Church’s unity in regard to sustaining creation and addressing globalization.



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