

How to Cite
Garrido Maturano, Ángel E. 2012. “It Hugs Containing. The Ontological, Chronological, and Cosmic-Religious Sense of Eros Thinking from Bernhard Welte”. Franciscanum 54 (158):201-30. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.888.
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On the basis of Bernhard Welte’s Dialectic of Love, the article develops a hermeneutic-phenomenological analysis of the ontological, chronological, and cosmic-religious meaning of eros. The article has three purposes. First, it attempts to show how the acknowledged cognitive capacity of love, which enables to see the particularity of the loved thou in a way that is inaccessible to objective knowledge, leads to an ontological con-creative event. Second, an elucidation of synchrony as the temporality essential to eros as an event is advanced. Finally, the article shows the degree in which erotic love is the sign-event of a cosmic-religious type of harmony that links lovers with all things.



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