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Irrazábal, Gustavo. 2012. “«Bible and moral». Interpretation Criteria in the Document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission (2008)”. Franciscanum 54 (158):333-68. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.893.
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This text is a study of the of interpretation criteria for biblical texts proposed by the document of the Pontifical Biblical Comission, “The Bible and Morality. Biblical Roots of Christian Behavior” (May 11, 2008). This document starts from the clue-concept of “revealed morality”, that is, God’s saving initiative, which provokes the religious and ethical response of the human being. In this way, the originality of biblical morality is preserved, as well as the continuity with natural morality, which is integrated in the dialogical context of the Alliance. Within this reference framework, the document formulates criteria of discernment, in order to elaborate, in the light of biblical texts, concrete norms of behaviour. It also, makes it possible to overcome the tendency to look for ethical indications in the biblical texts without paying due attention to the literary context in which they are embedded.



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