

How to Cite
Sánchez-Ruiz Welch, Andrea. 2011. “Victoria Díez: A Symbol and Figure for God’s Teaching”. Franciscanum 53 (155):75-98. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.897.
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In the bicentenary of our Latin American peoples, it is worth reflecting upon the evolution of education, from a theological perspective, We will do this under Victoria Diez ’s leadership. Victoria Díez was a town teacher who managed to embody her own life in God’s teachings, leading her commitment up to her own death: martyrdom. The Church acknowledges her as a proof of faithfulness towards the Gospel and of active participation in the evangelical mission of the Church for those who work in Education and Culture. The present calls for enlightening people; Passionate Callings; Teachers who leave their mark and open horizons.



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