

How to Cite
Venegas, J. P., Navarrete, M., Orellana-Garcia, L., Rojas, M., Avello-Duarte, F., & Nunez-Parra, A. (2023). Basal forebrain modulation of olfactory coding in vivo. International Journal of Psychological Research, 16(2), 62–86. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.6486
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Sensory perception is one of the most fundamental brain functions allowing individuals to properly interact and adapt to a constantly changing environment. This process requires the integration of bottom-up and top-down neuronal activity that is centrally mediated by the basal forebrain, a brain region that has been linked to a series of cognitive processes such as attention and alertness.

Here, we review the latest research using optogenetic approaches in rodents and in vivo electrophysiological recordings that are shedding light into the role of this region regulating olfactory processing and decision-making. Moreover, we summarize evidence highlighting the anatomical and physiological differences in the basal forebrain of individuals with autism spectrum disorder, which could underpin the sensory perception abnormalities they exhibit and propose this research line as a potential opportunity to understand the neurobiological basis of this disorder.



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