Authors must send their articles according to the manual of the American Psychological Association about publications regulations in its latest edition in English. To know what kind of material is received, check the appropriate section a:
Type of material publishedBellow, you will find most relevant standards for the sending of your manuscript.
Structure and form of the manuscript: the text will be submitted writed in format Word size letter (21,59 x 27.94 cm.), double spaced, justified and in font Times New Roman 12; You must not carry about indents, or capital letters.
Extension: the accepted maximum length shall be 30 pages for research articles , reflection, revision and translation, including tables, notes and figures. Preliminary results or case reports, should have a length not exceeding 10 pages. Letters to the editor and the reviews do not exceed 3 pages. Other classes of articles shall be subject to the criteria of form and content that it deems the Editorial Committee.
Authorship: It is the criteria of Int.J.Psychol.Res to recognize as AUTHOR OF A MANUSCRIPT to anyone who contributes, substantially or totally, in the following:
1) planning and design, data acquisition, data analysis, and data interpretation
2) Drafting and critical review
3) Approval opinion about the version that will be published. (For more information, please read the APA ethical code,
4) Those whose names appear in the manuscript before submission and arbitrage allowing, during the process, the change only in the order of authors, but not the authors themselves.
Minor contributions, not constitutive as authorship, can be recognized through a note. If there are two or more authors, they are responsible for setting their order and contribution in the manuscript.
Principal author and the order of authorship credit must be reflected with accuracy the contributions of each one involved in the manuscript
The Editor in chief of Int.J.Psychol.Res can request to the authors of the manuscript the precise contributions they made.
Language: The authors must be to submit the paper in English if the authors send the paper in the Spanish language, the editorial team will do the peer review process too, however, if the manuscript is approved, the authors must be converted it to the English language (both languages for abstract english-spanish).
If English is not your first language, consider having your manuscript professionally edited before you submit by someone with considerable English-language editorial experience. In addition, the Authors take full responsibility for the quality of the translated text.
Organization and sequence of the manuscript: for research papers, preliminary results and case report, the organization will be as follows: introduction, method, results, discussion, conclusions (this section can be omitted in the opinion of the author) and references.
In letters to the editor and the reviews is appropriate to include a references section to properly support the opinion of the author, or to allow comparisons with other texts.
For all jobs, the first page will have consigned the title of the work (in English, Spanish, and maximum 12 words), name and surname of the authors with academic titles, institutional affiliation, address of the institution, the main author address for correspondence, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail.
On the second page record a summary in Spanish and another in English, each of which must be between 120 and 150 words. Summary and abstract must be precise and concise, focus on the most important features of the study. Empirical studies should describe the objective, the methodological aspects and the results. Key words in Spanish and English (keywords) are included in a number of not less than three and not more than six, these words must be recognized in the Thesaurus of the APA.
In the following pages do the other sections that should be your manuscript according to the latest edition of the manual of publications of the APA. References must be according to APA in its latest version. To cite journal articles follow the following order: last name (s), initial (s) name (s)) (year). The title of the article. The name of the magazine, Vol., (number), page start-page end. An example would be: Gutiérrez, M., & Eysenck, M. W. (1995). Sesgo interpretativo en la ansiedad de evaluación.
Ansiedad y Estrés, 12(3), 5-20. Check the latest edition of the publications manual of the APA to know in detail each of the forms of citation depending on the type of bibliographic sources, and to resolve any questions related to publication rules.