Author Guidelines
Authors who are interested in submitting their articles for publication should register themselves in the journal's Open Journal Systems (OJS) editorial management system:
Articles must be presented in letter size, in a single column, in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman font at 12 points, with double- line spacing and a maximum of 25 pages including references, tables and figures. Articles must not be simultaneously submitted for evaluation in another journal; they must be unpublished and follow the writing standards of the American Psychological Association (APA).
The manuscript must be anonymous, therefore, it should NOT have the names of the authors or their institutional affiliation; furthermore, any sentence or phrase that allow the identification of the authors must be avoided.
The first two pages of the document should include: a) title of the article in Spanish and English; and b) abstract in Spanish and English (maximum 200 words) and 5 keywords in Spanish and English.
Tables and figures should be placed into the manuscript where they are expected to be.
In a separate document, the name of the authors, level of academic training, their institutional link, postal address, ORCID Codes and e-mails must be sent. If the manuscript is published, only the contact information of the main author will appear.
Types of articles
The following types of contributions are received for publication, according to the areas of the journal:
Research articles: these unpublished articles present the final product of scientific research; in addition, they constitute a contribution to the scientific knowledge and to the understanding of the phenomenon under study (empirical research). They have a formal structure and methodology and, their results are rigorously analyzed.
Theoretical articles: these articles present the state of the art, critical reflections or theoretical-conceptual proposals related to the thematic lines of the journal. Furthermore, they allow identifying relationships or inconsistencies in the topic under investigation, as well as proposing new proposals for further studies.
Review articles: correspond to those articles that are the result of research, in which the findings of published or unpublished research on a field in science are analyzed, systematized, and integrated, in order to enlighten about advances and development trends. It is recommended to submit a bibliographic review, with a minimum of 50 references.
Structure of research articles
All scientific and technological research articles, regardless of the applied methodology or the type of research, must include the following structure:
1. Title (Spanish and English)
2. Summary and keywords
3. Abstract and keywords
4. Introduction
5. Method (this section usually includes subheadings such as design, participants, instruments, procedure, data analysis, ethical considerations, among others)
6. Results
7. Discussion
8. References (minimum 15). It is suggested that at least 50% of references should be from the last 5 years
Reflection and Review Articles Structure
Articles belonging to this category must have the following structure (systematic review articles must comply with the structure of research articles):
1. Title (Spanish and English)
2. Summary and keywords
3. Abstract and keywords
4. Introduction
5. Theoretical review and research results
6. Conclusions
7. References (minimum 50)
Citing Standards and Specifications
Articles submitted for possible publication must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) regulations according to its latest edition. Likewise, the APA standards must be followed for citation in the documents.
- In-text citations
The different authors who have been consulted and who provide contributions for the theoretical and/or empirical support, relevant to the elaboration of the article, should be cited. Likewise, there must be perfect correspondence between the citations and the references, without exception.
Some examples of in-text citations are:
«Belsky y Stratton (2002), han demostrado la capacidad para…»
«… lesiones manifiestas no detectables (De Paúl y Arruabarrena, 2005).»
«Milner (1993; citado por Hecht y Hansen, 2001) formuló un modelo etiológico…»
When citing an article by three to five authors in text citations, you must list them all the first time mentioned in your paper, for example:
«(…) lo que sugiere la naturaleza transcultural y evolutiva de las emociones (Redondo, Fraga, Padrón y Comesaña, 2007)». Subsequent citations from the same article will be written as follows:
(Redondo et al., 2007).
If the article has more than five authors, from the first citation "et al." must be written, for example: (Vila et al., 2001).
The list of references should be placed at the end of the article, in strict alphabetical order according to the first author's last name and with a French indentation of one centimeter. All written citations in the article should be referenced.
Some examples of references are:
Romo-González, T., González Ochoa, R., Gantiva, C., & Campos-Uscanga, Y. (2018). Normative Values of the International Affective Picture Mexicans: differences between USA, Colombia and Mexico. Universitas Psychologica, 17(2), 1-9. doi: 10.11144/Javeriana.upsy.17-2.vnsi
Pagano, R. (2002). Understanding Statistics in the behavioral sciences. Thomson.
Riskind, J. (2004). Cognitive theory and Research on Generalized Anxiety Disorder. In: R. Leahy. Contemporary Cognitive Therapy (pp. 62-85). The Guilford Press.
Velásquez, M. (2001). Factores cognitivo-emocionales que influyen en el rendimiento deportivo [Documento no publicado]. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
- Figures and Tables
Figures, tables or images must be submitted in the original format so that they can be modified during the layout process (they will never be modified in their content). All figures and images should be labeled with a number and a title. The number and title of the figures and images are placed below each of them but at the top of the tables. Colors should not be used, both figures and tables should be in white, black and grayscale. The maximum number of figures and tables allowed is four.
- Language
The journal accepts articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The language used should be simple and easy to understand. Regionalisms or anglicisms that have a clear equivalent in the original language should not be used and the use of first person sentences should be avoided.
They may be used, but when they are used for the first time, the complete phrase or full name must be written and the abbreviation in parentheses. For example: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI); subsequently, only the abbreviation BDI can be used.
The journal accepts articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The used language must be simple and easy to understand. Avoid using regionalisms or anglicisms that have a clear equivalent in the original language and, it is advisable to avoid the use of first-person phrases.
- Publication fees
The journal Psychologia. Advances in the Discipline / Avances de la Disciplina does not charge any fee for the process of reception, evaluation and publication of articles.
Article evaluation process and duration
The editor's first concept of the manuscript and the decision to submit it to peer reviewers will take 15 days on average.
The first decision on the manuscript from the peer review will be sent, on average, after 30 days.
From the moment the manuscript is received, the final concept for publication will take 60 days on average.
Privacy Statement
Names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes set forth herein and will not be provided to third parties or disclosed for purposes other than those for which they were collected.