Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check their submissions meet the items shown below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  • The manuscript to be submitted has not been published. (This doesn’t apply to invited articles)

  • The manuscript is not being submitted simultaneously to another journal.
  • All the URL’s that are available must be provided, particularly in citations.

  • The manuscript has been written according to the APA style publication guidelines, which have been summarized in the Author Guidelines appearing in the About the Journal section.

  • All tables and figures cited in the manuscript have been attached.

  • The manuscript is in Microsoft Word 2007 or above format.

  • The manuscript describes the necessary ethical considerations for the type of research

  • The manuscript does NOT have the names of the authors or of the institutions that participated in the study. Please attach a presentation page with the names of the authors, their academic affiliation and the contact author's data. This is done to guarantee anonymity in the evaluation process (double blind)
  • The manuscript is original

Author Guidelines

Authors interested in submitting their papers for publication must be registered in the system.

Papers must be submitted in standard letter paper size, in single-column, in Microsoft Word (.doc) format, in 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced and with a maximum of twenty-five (25) pages, including references, tables and figures. Manuscripts must not have been simultaneously submitted to review in a different journal, must not have been previously published, and must follow the writing norms in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).

The cover letter must include: (a) the title of the paper in Spanish and English, and (b) the author(s) affiliation, mailing address, and electronic mail address.

The article must include an abstract both in Spanish and English (no longer than 200 words), and a maximum of five key-words in Spanish and English.

All articles must follow the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). They can be consulted at:

Research papers organization

All scientific and technological research papers must have the following structure, regardless of the used method or the type of research:

1. Title (Spanish and English)

2. Abstract and keywords in Spanish

3. Abstract and keywords in English

4. Introduction

5. Method (this section customarily includes subtitles such us design, participants, instruments, procedures, data analysis, ethical considerations, among others)

6. Results

7. Discussion

8. References (no less than 15). It is recommended that at least 50% of references must have been published in the last five years.

Review and critical reflection papers structure

Papers belonging to this category must have the following structure (systematic review papers must comply with the structure of research papers):

1. Title (Spanish and English)

2. Abstract and keywords in Spanish

3. Abstract and keywords in English

4. Introduction

5. Theoretical and research results review

6. Conclusion

7. References (no less than 50)


In-text citation

All different authors whose work has been instrumental in the elaboration of the paper must be cited. Perfect correspondence must exist between citations and references, with no exception. Some examples of appropriate in-text citation are the following:

“Belsky and Stratton (2002), have demonstrated the ability to…”

“… manifest, undetectable lesions (De Paúl & Arruabarrena, 2005).”

“Milner (1993; as cited by Hecht & Hansen, 2001) formulated an etiological model…”

The first time an article with three and up to five authors is cited, all authors must be named, for example:

“… which provides evidence for the cross-cultural and evolutionary nature of emotions (Redondo, Fraga, Padrón & Comesaña, 2007)”

If the cited work has more than five authors, “et al.” must be added from the first citation, for example: (Vila et al., 2001).


The list of references must be placed at the end of the paper, in strict alphabetical order according to the first author’s last name, and with a hanging indentation of one centimeter. All written citations in the paper must be referenced.

Some examples of references are the following:

Romo-González, T., GonzálezOchoa, R., Gantiva, C., & Campos-Uscanga, Y. (2018). Valores normativos del sistema internacional de imágenes afectivas en población mexicana: diferencias entre Estados Unidos, Colombia y México. Universitas Psychologica, 17(2), 1-9. doi: 10.11144/Javeriana.upsy.17-2.vnsi

Pagano, R. (2002). Estadística para las ciencias del comportamiento. México: Thomson.

Riskind, J. (2004). Cognitive theory and research on generalized anxiety disorder. In E. R. Leahy (Ed.), Contemporary cognitive therapy (pp. 62-85). New York: The Guilford Press.

Velásquez, M. (2001). Factores cognitivo-emocionales que influyen en el rendimiento deportivo. Unpublished manuscript. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Figures and tables

Figures, tables and images must be submitted in their original format so that they can be formally modified during the diagramming process (their content will never be modified). Figure numbering and captions should be placed below each figure, and table titles should be placed above them. No colors should be used: both figures and tables must be in black, white, and gray shades. The maximum amount of allowed figures and tables is four.


Abbreviations can be used, but when first used the full sentence or name should be written, and the abbreviation must appear in parentheses. For example: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI); the abbreviation “BDI” can only be used from then on.


The journal accepts papers in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. The used language must be simple and of easy understanding. No regionalisms or anglicisms should be used if they have a clear equivalent in the original language, and authors are invited to avoid the use of sentences in the first person.

Publication fees

Psychologia journal does not charge any fees for the submission, evaluation, or publication processes of articles.

Review process duration

The editor’s first concept on the manuscript and the determination to send it to peer reviewers will last two weeks in average.

The first decision on the manuscript based on the peer review will be sent, in average, 120 days later.

From the moment the manuscript is submitted, the final concept on its publication will last 180 days in average.