Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check their submissions meet the items shown below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  • The article has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the comments to the editor).
  • The submission file is in word or RTF format.
  • Wherever possible, URLs for references and DOIs for articles are provided.
  • The text complies with the format and citation elements stipulated by APA standards in their seventh version. Likewise, the images, illustrations, figures and tables have the necessary quality for publication.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographical requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, follow the instructions at Ensure anonymous evaluation

Author Guidelines

1. Requirements for the submission of articles.

· The articles, which are submitted to the “El Ágora USB” must comply with the norms of the APA style, which implies that every citation must be inserted into the REFERENCES box – INSERT CITATION or through Mendeley (Watch tutorial video at ).

· The articles, which are submitted for publication in the “El Ágora USB” Journal must be original and, which have not been published earlier in any of their versions and, which have not been simultaneously proposed for such a purpose in another journal (Please download format to be signed and attach the suggested article ) That is to say, every single article must have this format signed, either in PDF version or scanned in order to start the review process, which does not entail publication of the article in the journal.

· Likewise, it is required that authors to grant the property of their authors’ rights so that their article and materials be reproduced, published, edited, fixed, communicated, and transmitted publicly in any format or medium, as well as their distribution in the required number of issues and their public communication, in every single modality, including their availability to the public via electronic and optical media, and any other type of technology, for scientific, cultural, broadcast, and non-profit purposes exclusively (Please download format to be signed and attach the suggested article ( )That is to say, every single article must have this format signed, either in PDF version or scanned in order to start the review process, which does not entail publication of the article in the journal.

· The papers must be submitted in Word, Times New Roman or Courier Font size 12 and a maximum of 20 pages in a page letter format, via E-mail:, These should have clarity, soundness, and adequate bibliographical support.

Each article must keep this scheme:

A maximum of 20 pages per paper.

Heading – subheading (if required).

Type of paper.

Name and titles of the author. The author must be registered in the Google Scholar system, which is a requirement to be filled so that the journal can be reviewed by Publindex – Colciencias (Colombia).

Abstract of the contents (A maximum of 100 words).

An item with expressions and key words (A maximum of four key words. It is suggested to adhere to the thesaurus of the specific knowledge (UNESCO)).

Introduction and development.

Conclusions – tacit or explicit proposals.


At the end of the paper, every author should submit a brief curriculum vitae, the form that you would like it to appear in the publication.

· Bear in mind that your name as the author of the paper will appear in the corresponding publication as it appears in the paper in the original that you submit to the Coordination. Besides, our journal is indexed. Therefore, it is suggested to submit your full name so that it can be cited correctly.

· The graphs, photographs, and illustrations must be original (if you happen to have them) for a better quality when printing. If they are taken from any text or any Web Page, their source must be cited, if they are scanned, they will be submitted electronically. If the author himself suggests his possible support images, he will also ensure the full achievement of the goal of the writing.

· Neither the University nor the Editorial Committee will not be engaged with the judgments expressed by the authors of the papers. Every single author is held responsible for their points of view and opinions.

· It is the Task of the Editorial Committee to check every single paper, and if necessary, to suggest some modifications. Likewise, it can reject those papers, which do not comply with the required conditions.

· The submitted papers will be preferably the results or advances of a piece of research ascribed to COLCIENCIAS and / or the Research Offices of the University or the Institutions of origin, or failing that, the papers will be the result of a research processes, with a serious and grounded academic content, in conformity with the typology of the papers explained above. These papers must have the reference of institutions, universities, research offices, or those, who have supported the piece of research.

2. Selection, Editing, and Publication Processes.

In the selection process, the following steps have been defined, in strict order:

- Review and verification of the fulfillment of the criteria defined by the journal, which are stated in the numbers 1 and 2, which implies, we reiterate, the delivery signed of the documents of point number 1.

- It will be verified that the Author has his profile in the Google Scholar system, activated and public.

- Certification of similarities and / or lack of plagiarism, in our case, of the Turnitin System. The Editorial Committee will define in which case the text is returned to make adjustments to the citations. In the event that the percentage of coincidences is high, the Editorial Committee will reject the text.

- Through an arbitration system carried out by two national or international experts, in the different subject areas and external to the Editorial Committee, the papers are examined and selected according to their academic and scientific value, determining in an autonomous way, under the double-blind peer review system.

- Publish it without changes.

- Publish it once the suggested adjustments have been made.

- Reject it.

In case of conflict between both results, the text will be submitted to a third arbitrator, whose decision will define its publication. The results of the process of the academic verdict will not be open to appeal in all cases.

The Editorial Committee, once the previous stages have been fulfilled, and according to the previously announced criteria and those general stated in the journal, determines if the paper or the document submitted, is published or not.

The journal reserves the right to check style, aiming at achieving more clarity and concision of the text.