Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check their submissions meet the items shown below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  • The submission has not been previously published, and neither has it been sent to another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to / from editor).
  • The uploaded file is in Open Office, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format
  • Where it has been possible, there were added web addresses to the references
  • The text is single-spaced; the font size is 12 points; it is used italics instead of underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables within the text are in their proper place and not the end of everything
  • The text adheres to the style and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines/ s Author Guidelines / s, which can be found in About the Journal
  • When submitting to a section of the journal peer-reviewed, you must make sure that the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed

Author Guidelines


(a)The International Journal of Cooperation and Development's main purpose is disseminate high quality academic work in cooperation and development or related sciences. The journal will have preference to articles on Latin America and the Caribbean, though its pages are open to contributions of different types and authors linked or not to the University of San Buenaventura.

(b) The International Journal of Cooperation and Development will accepted for publication contributions of      the following types:

• Scientific article: is the product of research with empirical evidence, which must explicitly demonstrate the contribution, contrasting or complementary theory in the area of international cooperation and development. The structure of the scientific paper should contain four major sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

 • Reflection paper: Is the product analysis of a theoretical or practical problem of the cooperation and development, all under an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective, based on original sources.

 • Literature review: Testing in which a critical examination is made of the contributions on some branch or topic of Cooperation and Development.


(a)The articles must be submitted in original, letter size (22 cm. x 28 cm.) The text should be only on one of the sides of the paper, prepared in Arial 12 as font, with 1, 5 spacing and all under APA standards. You can also send an electronic version of the text and its bibliographic references in Microsoft Word format. Articles should be a maximum of 30 pages in length, including references, tables and diagrams.

 (b)The first two pages of the article should contain the following information:

First Page:

- Article Title: Should be short, specific and informative

- Name of the author

- Institutional Affiliation

- Mailing address of the principal author and email

- Origin of grants or other funding

 Second page:

- An abstract, not exceeding one hundred  (100) words, succinctly explaining the objectives, methodology, results and conclusions.

- A list of keywords.

(c)The page numbers should appear in the top right. Do not enumerate the first page

(d)The titles of the subdivisions of the article should be written in Arial 12 font, centered and in bold. Must be also numbered consecutively with Roman numerals: I, II, III, IV, etc.. If the work has further subdivisions must first used A, B, C, etc.. , And then 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

(e)Citations should be inserted in the text and compiled by author and year, as follows: (Alonso, 1979)    (Sanahuja, 2008, p 299.) (ECLAC, 2003), etc.

(f)At the end of the article a list of works cited or consulted in the preparation of the article must be included. This bibliography must be compiled in alphabetical order by author surname. Example:

 Alonso, J. A. (2001). Nuevas direcciones en la política de ayuda al desarrollo. Revista de Economía Mundial, 5, p. 11 – 45. 

Dollar, D. y Burnside, C. (2000). Aid, policies and growth,American Economic Review, 90, September.

 Stiglitz, J. E. (2002). El malestar en la globalización, Madrid, Taurus.

 •In the bibliography, titles of books, journals and newspapers should be written in italics, not bold and without quotation marks.

•Titles of articles should be written in normal font without bold.

(g)The tables and charts should be designed in Microsoft Excel program and must be attached to electronic files. Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) and presented one per page, at the end of the text. The same should be done with the graphics, which should lead to independent numbering used for tables and should be submitted on white paper and black ink. Each table or graph should be accompanied by a title that clearly describes the submitted material. Charts and graphs must be originals. At the bottom should always appear the source.


A) Articles for the Editorial Committee assessment should be forwarded to the Editor, Gustavo Rodríguez Albor, Escuela Latinoamericana de Cooperación y Desarrollo, University of San Buenaventura, Real Veal Street No. 30-966, Cartagena (Colombia) or to the email

B) The editor will acknowledge the receipt of the items immediately and inform authors of the decision of the Editorial Committee within no more than 6 months.

C) Once the article is received, the Editorial Committee shall submit it to review by two anonymous academic peers. Based on these concepts, the Committee may accept the article with some modifications or suggest the most appropriate way for a revised presentation.

D) The International Journal of Cooperation and development will only accept unpublished articles for publication, except those published as drafts or working papers. It is understood that if a paper is accepted for publication, the printing rights and reproduction in any form and medium belong to the International Journal of Cooperation and Development. However, any reasonable request from authors of articles for permission to reproduce them will be taken into account. 

E) It is also understood that the opinions and assessments expressed by authors in the articles are solely the responsibility of them and do not commit the International Journal of Cooperation and Development.