

How to Cite
Lombardi, Agustina María. 2020. “The Doctrine of the Degrees of Being As Basis for a New Ecological Paradigm”. Franciscanum 62 (173):1-18. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.4022.
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This article assumes the idea that in order to overcome the environmental crisis we are experiencing, it is not enough to develop more technology and more science, but that it is also necessary to rethink and modify our relationship with nature. As eco-philosophers hold, it is necessary to overcome a mechanistic ontology centred on a strong anthropocentrism that dualistically contrasts man to nature, and that understands nature as a mere property at the service of human beings. Nonetheless, while eco-philosophies usually propose a relational ontology, my hypothesis is that not only this ontology can function as a basis to rethink and modify our relationship with nature, but that the classical metaphysical doctrine of the degrees of being can serve as the basis for a new ecological paradigm as well.



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