

How to Cite
Zielinski, Juan Matías. 2019. “Political Anthropology and Transcendence in the En Rique Dussel’s Philosophical Early Work”. Franciscanum 61 (172):1-30. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.4456.
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This paper presents as a comparative distinction distinction for comparison the essential notes of the analysis realized by Enrique Dussel’s in his « early work » about the «Semitic Huma nism» (1969) and the «Hellenic H umanism» (1975). Firstly, it presents the perspective from which Dussel understands the «Hellenic humanism» Secondly, it systematizes the Dussel's analysis about the anthropological configuration of Hebrew people. Thirdly, it analyze the way t hat the paradigms of the Exodus and the «Yahwah Servant» become prolific theoretical categorical frameworks to think practically about the processes of political economic liberating service ( ('avodáh עֲבוֹדָה The «generative topic» of the three sections is the type of relationship between «singular community» in terms of political a nd anthropological constitution) and the transcendence's conception that presents each anthropological configuration an alyzed.


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