Franciscanum 175 Enero-junio 2021


How to Cite
Garrido-Maturano, Ángel Enrique. 2021. “ Kierkegaard’s Edifying Discourses”. Franciscanum 63 (175):1-19.
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 The article analyzes S. Kierkegaard discourse on “Every good present and every perfect gift comes from above”, and articulates it with two other Edifying Discourses.  The articulation attempts first to elucidate why the authentic self is the one that assumes that he can do nothing. Second, silence, obedience, and happiness are shown as the fundamental attitudes on the basis of which the authentic self is in the world, and characterizes the originary faith implicit in them as their condition of possibility. Finally, the world in which the authentic self is should be understood as the right place open to the expectation of the realm.



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