

How to Cite
Caldeira, Cleusa. 2020. “Religious Experience in Postmodernity. The Event of Subjectivity As the Path of Our Humanization”. Franciscanum 62 (173):1-21. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.4666.
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We describe the epistemological rupture between modern rationality and postmodern rationality, regarding the religious experience and the event of subjectivity from the thought of Carlos Mendoza Álvarez. If the conception of the autonomous subject implied the negation of otherness and the abandonment of the metaphors of transcendence for salvation, the irruption of postmodern subjectivity marks the impossibility of conceiving humanity outside of reconnection with the other and with transcendence. In this context, the phenomenon of the return of the religious emerges as a sign of postmodern times: a sign of re-enchantment of culture and openness to the other order of existence. It is the opportunity to rehabilitate the experience with the transcendent Mystery of the real, cultivated by all the religious traditions, which in monotheistic language we call God.



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