

How to Cite
Molteni, Agostino. 2020. “Incarnation from the Pagan Viewpoint. The Reading of Charles Péguy of Booz Endormi by Victor Hugo”. Franciscanum 62 (174):1-26. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.4883.
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Christians and theology recognize the incarnation of Christ as the advent and the irruption (avènement) of God in human history. Taking the occasion of the reading of Boaz endormi by Victor Hugo, Charles Péguy presents what he considers the only recognition of the event (événement) of the incarnation by a pagan (and a biblical). This interpretation, which is at the same time a presentation of an aspect of Péguy's thought on the incarnation, shows it as a production that also refers to the man and whose recognition would require a theological approach that Péguy defines as Bergsonian. In this way, Péguy offers questions and an interesting path for theological thought and the Christian faith to reflect again on the true humanity of the Hebrew Jesus and on the meaning that man represents for God himself made human.



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