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López Vélez, Luis Emilio, and Guillermo León Zuleta Salas. 2020. “The Beneficence Principle As an Articulator Among Moral Theology, Bioethics and Biomedical Practices”. Franciscanum 62 (174):1-30. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.4884.
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Through the present research and hermeneutic exercise, we intend to propose beneficence as an articulating principle between the Moral Theology of the Person, Bioethics and Biomedical Practices, in order to safeguard the human being in an integral way and from the interdisciplinary field, against the manipulation and undermining of the person in his Dignity, Anthropological Status, Ontological and Transcendent Truth. All of which leads us to propose different alternatives, given the changing circumstances that humanity is undergoing. In addition, it is here, where it acquires resonance to propose Beneficence as an articulating principle among these three sciences, since it is in the three knowledges in an implicit and explicit way. These sciences, by their very essence, have points of convergence, such as: the determination of their moral character, their status of service, the safeguarding of the richness of life, the recognition and respect for human dignity, the recognition of the multidimensionality of being, and the care that every human person requires in his or her fragility and vulnerability. Besides the above, there is a theoretical approach on: Bioethics as interdisciplinary knowledge; the principles of Bioethics and the relationship of the Moral Theology of the Person with Bioethics. The present research exercise was conducted over a period of two years.



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