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Martin De Blassi, Fernando Gabriel. (2021) 2021. “Plotinus and the Novelty of His Metaphysical Principle”. Franciscanum 63 (176). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5193.
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The histories of philosophy places Plotinus as the first thinker belonging to the third period of the Platonic school, entitled with a historiographical category renowned as Neoplatonism. On the basis of this assumption, which organizes the tradition of thought according to a chronological succession of ideas and their respective influences, this paper aims to assert a critical distinction regarding the metaphysical originality of the Plotinian principle. Through a textual analysis of sources and specialized bibliography, it is intended to prove that the absolute transcendence of the One-Good with respect to the world strictly belongs to an order of truths much closer to the philosophical course of the subsequent phase.



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