Franciscanum 175 Enero-junio 2021


How to Cite
Reyes-Gacitúa, Eva. 2021. “Edith Stein: From the Conception of the Human Person to the Understanding of Women”. Franciscanum 63 (175):1-23.
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Currently, «wondering about women» is an unfinished and debated task. In the middle of the 20th century, the phenomenologist Edith Stein explores such a scenario by asking herself about its nature and value. The present research exposes the itinerary that the philosopher establishes from the reflection of the human person to the understanding of the woman.

Therefore, the main concepts and nuances are articulated from Stein's work, which, through phenomenological analysis, makes it possible to examine the constituent notions of the subject in its corporal and spiritual dimension. Finally, the particular nature of the feminine essence is outlined, whose inquiry will allow us to stop at the essential question of woman. The conclusion goes forward to a balance of the main aspects developed as a contribution to the contemporary dialogue.


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