Franciscanum 175 Enero-junio 2021


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Hernández Valencia, Juan Sebastián. 2021. “The Book of Signs (John 1:19-12:50). An Approach to Some of His Currents of Research”. Franciscanum 63 (175):1-28.
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It has long been recognized by critics that in its structure and content the Book of Signs (John 1:19-12:50) shares a certain similarity with the initial sections of the first three gospels. It has been also highlighted its own theological nuances, as well as its sources. This encounter and difference between the Fourth Gospel and the Synoptics have divided the scholars regarding the analysis of its sources and its theological features, such as the use of its sources, the miracles’ narratives, its eschatology and christology. This article intends to give an overview of the most relevant lines of research at these points.



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