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Bonilla Morales, Jaime Laurence. 2021. “The Teaching-Learning of Theology: Normative Transformation, Identity, and Challenge”. Franciscanum 63 (176). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5396.
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The Teaching-learning of theology is a reason for inquiry and questioning because it is the privileged means of formation of religious men, women religious, seminarians and laity who require deepening the reflection that is based on the revelation of God in Jesus Christ to humanity, through history, and the response of believers configured as an experience of faith and confirmed with their example of life. Well, in order to generate favorable teaching-learning spaces that meet the need for suitable theological formative proposals, it is necessary to take into account three components that are articulated in the Colombian context. On the one hand, the legal framework to which the programs dedicated to theology are adapted is presented, showing the diversity of training offers and highlighting the case of «degrees», since in the set of these transformations certain nuances of the teachability of theology. Next, emphasis will be placed on the way in which those who deal with the teaching of theology must attend to the logic of the «learning outcomes» that are just making their way in this country. And, finally, it is essential to highlight the impulse of the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis Gaudium where Pope Francis updates the commitment to ecclesiastical and theological studies, regarding the educational pact that is being developed in recent years.



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