

How to Cite
Molteni, Agostino, and David Solís Nova. 2021. “The Quixote’s Logic. The Occurrence of the Thinking and the Language into an Inherited Mother Tongue”. Franciscanum 63 (176). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5484.
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The present essay proposes to rethink the logic that moves the work of Miguel de Cervantes El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha. The initial proposition that Cervantes and Don Quixote are the same thinker, will bring to what is considered the beginning of the generation of this novel, that is the notion of the occurrence of the inherited mother tongue through the elaboration of linguistic acts and composite thinking. Cervantes' work is presented in this essay as a philosophical proposal to rethink what is commonly understood regarding the nature of the language and the thought.



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