

How to Cite
Martins Filho, José Reinaldo Felipe. 2022. “From Forgetting the Self to the Call of Conscience in Heidegger”. Franciscanum 64 (178). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5491.
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This article is dedicated to the concept of conscience, or rather, the call of conscience, as outlined by Heidegger in the second section of Being and Time. While showing itself as an insurmountable concept for understanding the authenticity condition of the Dasein, the discussion about consciousness also establishes Heidegger’s relationship with the phenomenological tradition in a more comprehensive way, as a rupture of an interpretative flow and sedimentation of a new meaning. The notion of forgetfulness here no longer applies to the problem of the history of metaphysics in relation to the fundamental question of being, but to the self-understanding of Dasein as an entity open to a finite temporality, since in the enterprises inherent in everyday life, this entity degenerates in impersonality – through which inauthenticity is established. Here, then, is the interpretive horizon in which the problem of consciousness in Being and Time is established, which comprises one of the main sources for the approach of the theme in Martin Heidegger’s thought.



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