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Di Renzo, gabriela. 2022. “Feminist Recovery of the Natural Law Category”. Franciscanum 64 (178). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5550.
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This papers propose a recovery of the natural law category, from the contributions of feminist theology. The problem of the natural law that structures and bases the theological ethics of the Catholic magisterium, was interwoven in time and its great systematizer was Saint Thomas Aquinas. Feminist theology, arising from feminist theories, supports as a critical principle the promotion of the full humanity of women and assumes that the texts and traditions of the Christian community or the marks of their reception throughout history, function from of a misconception of women. This has established for them an ethos based on a static and essentialist vision of their nature. Feminist theology is aware of the need to reflect from an egalitarian anthropology that includes and makes women participate in the human good in the same way as men, and at the same time allows to visualize the different ways in which men and women experience their lives. This incarnated reflection on the goods to which we are directed and the discovery of the necessary means to achieve them integrates the understanding of natural law.




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