

How to Cite
Garrido-Maturano, Ángel Enrique. 2022. “From Beings in the World to the World in Beings. Introduction to the Cosmological Concept of World in Eugen Fink”. Franciscanum 64 (178). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5592.
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The article introduces Eugen Fink’s cosmological notion of world. With this purpose it distinguishes first the world conceived as a container starting from the “being-in” of thingly beings. Secondly, it differentiates the notion from the world conceived as an existential on the round afforded by man’s “being in” the world. It then elucidates the cosmological world as uniqueness, space-time, and an ontogenetic movement of individuation and appearing. The elucidation is directed to show the originary character of the cosmological world from a transcendental point of view. Finally, the article analyzes the fundamental phenomenon of play as an operative model that reproduces the holding sway of the world in the realm of within-the-world, and, on the basis of play, shows the extent in which the cosmological notion of world in Fink can express a common point in which scientific cosmologies and religious views of the world become intercrossed.



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