

How to Cite
Solís Nova, David Alfonso, and Valeria Burgos Ortiz. 2022. “Kandinsky’s Aesthetics and Gnosticism”. Franciscanum 64 (178). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5630.
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This article is a theoretical study on the similarities between the Gnostic doctrines, which flourished around the second century of our era, and the aesthetic thought of the Russian painter Vasili Kandinsky. The objective is to analyze these two philosophical and spiritual ideas frameworks to expose their similarities and differences. In this way, it will be investigated if, despite the centuries that separate them and the difference in historical contexts that surround them, there may be common existential and philosophical problems at the origins of both doctrinal statements The study will seek, therefore, to elucidate whether it is possible to understand Kandinsky's aesthetics as a special modern structured gnosis through his conceptual and artistic approaches. The results of the research aim not only at shedding light on Kandinsky's originality within the history of art, but also to be useful to highlight and understand some important points of the cultural discussion within which his work is framed.



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