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Londoño Betancur, Juan Esteban, and Manuel David Gómez-Erazo. 2022. “Theology and the World of Life. Contextual Perspective of Theology at the Catholic University Luis Amigó”. Franciscanum 64 (178). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5724.
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This research highlights phenomenological and hermeneutic approaches. on the theological work in the context of the Catholic University Luis Amigó, facing the renewal of the undergraduate program defined, since its foundation, as a Theology in context. We sought to understand what such theological work consists of because it is required by the career in the current frameworks of socio-ecclesial understanding, in addition to the institutional definitions within the University. For this understanding, besides reviewing the historical, philosophical and theological contributions in general, it was also necessary to propose a qualitative methodology that included, from the focus group technique, the experience of students and teachers who understand, forge and assimilate this theological-contextual knowledge inside the classrooms, giving account of the world of life and the interpretation of the act of life where they make their theological constructions. Finally, the analysis and discussion of the results are shared with the purpose of contributing horizons from and for the institution, facilitating a Theology at the service of the communities of faith and the Colombian society.



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