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Roldán, Alberto F. 2022. “The Revelation and Its Relationship With Christ and the Trinity According to the Phenomenological Approach of Jean-Luc Marion in Givenness & Revelation”. Franciscanum 64 (177). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5763.
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In this article, the author expounds the theme of Revelation and its relationship with Christ and the Trinity in the phenomenological perspective of Jean-Luc Marion. The center of His analysis is the book of Marion Givenness & Revelation. In relation to the Christological the emphasis of Marion is in Christ as icon of God and from a phenomenological exegesis of 1 Corinthians 2. He invites to a radical anamorphosis what allows to contemplate to Christ as a center of the wisdom of God. In relationship to the Trinity, Marion distinguish the contributions of Karl Rahner and Karl Barth, the Cappadocian Fathers and Saint Augustine with emphasis in the function of the Spirit in the Trinitarian deployment of God.



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