

How to Cite
García Aguilar, Juan Francisco. 2023. “Autonomía Sin Atropello Y Responsabilidad Que Emancipa : La Clave De La Libertad Camusiana”. Franciscanum 65 (179). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5965.
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The richness of a human dimension such as freedom deserves the commitment to take care of it, and our way of attending to this task tests the value that we confer on our own being. Ignoring this responsibility translates into an experience of being run over, which ends up enlisting them all in an endless cycle of hostility. Albert Camus offers us a look that allows us to recognize the merit of taking care of our free being, without attributing to our freedom an absolute character, under which the intention of obtaining a benefit over others is hidden. Therefore our freedom is realized to the extent that it provides us with a good that is not the monopoly of anyone, on the contrary, it benefits each one as we all share it.


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