

How to Cite
Costadoat, Jorge. 2022. “The Necessary Historization of the Incarnation. A View from Latin American Christology”. Franciscanum 64 (178). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5996.
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The origin of this article is the concern for the distance of Christianity from the sufferings of humanity. This deficiency should be remedied by a Christology that, obedient to the fundamental indication of Chalcedon, meets the path of aphartodocetism. Likewise, Latin Christology would have to recognize the soteriological value of the mystery of Christ as a whole, and not concentrate salvation on the cross for the forgiveness of sins. In history there are innocents. The Latin American Christology of Liberation has been able to offer historical liberation to these victims by means a Trinitarian following of Christ.



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