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Caicedo Valencia, Aura Dalia, and Diego Agudelo Grajales. 2022. “Afro-Descendent Woman: Spirituality and Healing from the Territory”. Franciscanum 64 (178). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.6006.
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The purpose of this article is to present the results of the research carried out from the systematization of the significant experience of Ambulua, its objective is to recognize in the spirituality of Afro-descendant women, significant contributions that contribute to healing as peace building in the territory; The systematization of the experience was carried out from participatory workshops and documentary analysis. This allowed the reconstruction of «a road walked» and to identify significant learning in the search for the spiritual essence linked to the Mother Earth, which helps to bring out the essence, strength and liberating spirituality in Afro-descendant communities where women play an important role in the transmission of cultural values. It makes it possible to open paths for weaving the fabric of peace; where there is no supremacy, where the other exists, the other who is different and thinks differently but it is possible to walk together in life.  Experiences and learning that dialogue with music, song, dance, hands that with the use of plants ritualize in daily life, generating peace and well-being.



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