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Ballen Rodriguez, Juan Sebastian. 2023. “Filosofia Literaria Y teorìa mimètica”. Franciscanum 65 (179). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.6019.
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One of the novelties of mimetic theory consists in its particular view of human desire and its unfolding in the field of literature, a subject that has been the subject of study by philosophy, anthropology and phenomenology. We seek to explore, from the theoretical inputs mentioned above, some ideas about literary philosophy and how these can be a compass to guide the reader in the study and interpretation of a literary work of the national canon: La Vorágine by José Eustasio Rivera.

What is the novelty of the philosophical approach formulated in this essay? Basically in showing that the mimetic theory derives in a literary philosophy, which connects with a phenomenological analysis of how social violence arises in the light of literary expression.

In order to carry out this task, the proposal is broken down as follows: first of all, an idea of what is understood by literary philosophy in relation to René Girard's thought is proposed. Once this is done, the relationship between phenomenology and mimetic theory is thematized, where the philosophical analysis of the concepts of experience, the other, rivalry and desire and their relationship with literature is deepened. In a third moment, it is proposed the philosophical analysis that in mimetic key is applied to the novel La Voràgine of the writer José Eustasio Rivera from Huila (Colombia).

Finally, it is proposed in the conclusions other derivations relative to the theory of the mimetic desire and its derivation in the philosophical study of literature, facing the dialectics of recognition and its contemporary interpreters according to the Girardian position.


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