

How to Cite
Velarde Lizama, Catalina. 2023. “The Transcendentals As a Cognitive Key of the Creator through the Creature, and As a Condition of Possibility of the universe’s Structure”. Franciscanum 65 (180):1-32. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.6031.
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Abstract: in this article, we want to show how good, truth and beauty, because they are properties that are identified with being, that is, transcendentals, reveal some characteristics of the perfect being in imperfect entities. This is possible in the thought of Thomas Aquinas, because God, who is the one who creates, in doing so transmits something of his own being to his work; just as the artist reflects himself in some respect in his work.

In the case of God, this reflection is called vestige, and has an analog character. However, it allows a rational incarnated creature to discover Him through the contemplation of the universe, which transforms creation into a hierophanic phenomenon.




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