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Mosquera Ramos, Melani B., and Juan David Quiceno Osorio. 2023. “Woman and Individuality in Edith Stein’s Thought”. Franciscanum 65 (179). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.6050.
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Research about the feminine essence is a fundamental task in our time. However, it is an effort that has fallen into disrepute because it does not take into account women's individual differences and contribute to the female submission. Especially, through the formation of stereotyped images. In this article we will study Edith Stein's conferences on women, and some of her anthropological studies, with the intention of approaching an understanding that unites the feminine essence with action and manifests her intrinsic unity with individuality. Stein is convinced that every woman has a triple vocation: on a human, feminine and individual level that must be developed in an integral and complementary way. However, this will only be possible if she recognizes the metaphysical –Christian– order on which her being depends.



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