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Salazar Parra, SJ, Juan. 2023. “Courtesy Strategies for an Argumentation of the Fraternity in the Letter to Filemón from an Integrated Pragma-Dialectical Approach”. Franciscanum 65 (179). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.6051.
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Paul’s personality, intellectual formation and mission make him a man of controversy and originality in his discourse. This article aims to describe: (a) the argumentative structure of the so-called 'letter to Philemon' (Phlm), a text considered to be of Pauline authorship, and (b) the strategic maneuvers developed by the author of the document to resolve the critical discussion, specifically the use of pragmatic politeness. In general, from a dialectical analysis, the letter presents the prisoner's request for Philemon to receive Onesimus back in his house, as well as the arguments that favor this position. By inserting the strategic maneuvers, that is, the pragmatic and rhetorical dimensions, the point of view and the arguments change. Politeness’ strategies help, on the one hand, the community to welcome Onesimus and, on the other hand, for them to learn that Christians have been begotten by their faith in Christ. Therefore, not only the request is declared, but a new truth of faith and an ecclesiological and social practice. Paul safeguards his negative face, appealing to a new style of authority and a renewed form of community life that goes beyond the specific context in which the letter was written. Every man and woman of faith are worthy members of the community because they are "my womb" (Phlm 12b).



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