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Jaramillo Vargas, Gabriel Alberto. 2023. “Education As a Heart-to-Heart Dialogue. The Horse and the Eyes in De Anima Et Resurrectione”. Franciscanum 65 (179). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.6052.
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In the intimacy of the heart-to-heart dialogue between Macrina and Gregory in De Anima et Resurrectione, it is possible to perceive not only a dialectic: pathoslogos, teacher–disciple, faith–science; but also, a structuring of the dialogue inspired by the Phaedrus, in which after the thesis and the antithesis, a synthesis of the elements in question is sought as a pedagogical fruit of the dialogue. This paper will analyze the symbols of the horse and the eyes, the relationship between them in pedagogical and mystagogical terms, and the possibility of understanding education as a cor ad cor dialogue. These two rhetorical devices also present in De Vita Moysis and In Canticum Canticorum, allow Nyssen to dialogue with philosophy and Sacred Scripture amid his theological procedure. With this in mind, the introduction to the dialogue will be analyzed, exploring the structure of the discourse and its relationship with the Phaedrus (1), before later analyzing the symbols of the horse and the eyes (2), establishing some relationships with De Vita Moysis and In Canticum Canticorum that allow a more in-depth comprehension of the cor ad cor pedagogy of Macrina towards Gregory (3), and ending with a brief conclusion.



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