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Silva, Camilo. 2023. “El El Abismo De Todos Los Abismos: ¿«Dios No Ama a Todos Los hombres»? El Problema De La Justicia De Dios Como Amor Divino En El Joven Leibniz”. Franciscanum 65 (180):1-40. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.6139.
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This enquiry aims to reveal and find an answer to some problems concerning the definition of justice in such as based on the concept of love that the young Leibniz grasps. In his effort to handle a definition of justice that makes possible the development of his project of a Universal Jurisprudence, Leibniz considers the concept of love as the main element of justice. However, in front of this investigation of a purely speculative character, there is the experience, which reveals some undeniable injustices present in the world. Thus, taking for granted the existence of evil and of injustices, it seems that all-powerful God does not love all men -as it supposed nevertheless to be the case in conformity with religion. If Leibniz does not state explicitly this consequence which follows from the contrast between his definition of justice and experience, it is, however, the subheading from which he threats to resolve the problem figuring in his first theodicy: the Confessio Philosophi. Before the problem of predestination, it is the heretical consequence that God does not love all men which pushes Leibniz’s reflexion in the Confessio, and which manages his solution to this problem.


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B = Bodemann, Eduard. Die Leibniz-Handschriften. Hannover, 1889 [reimpresión G. Olms, 1966], citado como ‘B’, seguido del volumen y el número de página.
C = Couturat, Louis. Opuscules et fragments inédits, extraits des manuscrits de la bibliothèque de Hanovre, editados por Louis Couturat. Paris: Alcan, 1903 [reimpresión, Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1961], citado como ‘C’, seguido del número de página.
G = Grua, Gaston. Textes inédits d’après les manuscrits de la Bibliothèque provinciale de Hanovre: publiés et annotés par Gaston Grua (2 tomos). Paris: Presses universitaires de Fran¬ce – Collection «Epiméthée», 1998 (segunda edición [1948: primera edición]), citado como ‘G’, seguido del número de tomo y número de página.
GP = Gerhardt, Carl Immanuel. Die Philosophische Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, editados por Carl Immanuel Gerhardt (7 volúmenes). Berlin, 1875-1890 [reimpresión, Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1960-1961], citado como ‘GP’, seguido del número de volumen y número de página.
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