

How to Cite
Londoño Betancur, Juan Esteban. 2024. “Metaphors about the Death of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark and in the New Testament”. Franciscanum 66 (181). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.6323.
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This article studies the development and nature of the metaphors concerning the death of Jesus that appear in the Gospel of Mark and in the New Testament in order to make a literary contribution to the theological constructions that are based on this belief. It starts from the theory of metaphor offered by philosophers such as Paul Ricoeur and Friedrich Nietzsche and compares it with the findings of exegetes in recent years, such as Sharyn Dowd and Elizabeth Struthes Malbon, and the historical-exegetical discussions represented by Gerd Theissen, Jörg Frey, Jens Schröter and Ruben Zimmermann, as well as the contributions of recent interpreters from the German academy such as Marlis Gielen, Annette Merz and Angelika Strotmann. From a hermeneutic-literary point of view, the most known metaphors around the death of Christ, such as atonement, substitutionary death and sacrifice, are discussed and contrasted with the significant openness offered by the Gospels for an interpretation that attends to the poetic vitality of the biblical texts before the conformation of doctrines as belief systems.



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