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Di Giacomo Z, Mario. 2023. “Michel Henry, Lector De Meister Eckhart: Vínculo Entre La mística Especulativa Y La fenomenología De La Vida”. Franciscanum 65 (180):1-62. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.6743.
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This article reviews the place that Eckhart occupies in L’essence de la manifestation, in order to establish correspondences and affi­nities between the Rhenish mystic and the peculiar conception of phenomenology that Michel Henry holds. It seeks to analyze the close proximity between the human soul and God postulated by Meister Eckhart and its connection with the well-known notion of Life present in the French author. Henry is inclined to found a first philosophy associated with pure self-affection, describing Life either as pure immanence or as a somewhat problematic ipseity. In general, the theoretical work of the representatives of the “theological turn of French phenomenology” (Janicaud) questions the classical subject of Modernity, without therefore bringing up the cause of a Revealed God or the one that results from a natural theology. This work, in short, is not the effort to think of a confessional God nor does it have an evangelical purpose. Far from it, it is a question of specifying the link between Henry and Eckhart, staged by the former, and whether such a link is coherent with what Henry thinks about a mode of ma­nifestation that no longer implies any phenomenological distance: the manifestation of the pathos of Life.


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