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Sánchez Castelblanco, Wilton Gerardo. 2015. “Hellenistic Influence on Wisdom 16, 5-14”. Franciscanum 57 (163):259-302. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.716.
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This research paper is an approach to the third diptych, in the final part of the Book of Wisdom (Wis 16, 5-14) that makes a re-reading of the bronze serpent episode (Nm 21, 4-19). The aim of this paper is to make evident the influences of the Hellenistic culture in this section.

In order to achieve this goal, first a short presentation of the text is made, that permits to identifying its literary context within the Book, as well as its main characteristics and difficulties, both textual and stylistic. In the second part, some exegetical considerations are made in order to have a basic understanding of the text which will allow us to make further studies. In the third and final part, some literary elements such as genre, content and vocabulary are considered to appreciate the Hellenistic culture influence in both the author and his work. The Hellenistic approach is made through the study of specific texts about the Hellenic environment from a literary and
religious point of view.



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