

How to Cite
Pineda Canabal, Aníbal. 2014. “Between Fichte and Sartre: Toward a Dialectic of Freedom”. Franciscanum 56 (161):99-127. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.756.
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Given the lack of research on this subject produced in Romance
Languages, the author Given the lack of research on this subject
produced in Romance Languages, the author tries to find a possible meeting point between the philosophical systems of Fichte and Sartre in order to understand better their contributions to this theme. Disregarding a possible approach to these two authors through a receptive textual criticism of the former in the work of the latter, it is possible to identify points of convergence and coincidence between them. Subsequently, the paper focuses on the subject of freedom, firstly, from the Transcendence of the Ego and Being and Nothingness, and secondly, from the Foundations of the Entire Science of Knowledge and Nova Method. In this way, freedom is perceived as the cornerstone for both systems of thought and the bridge that shortens the distance between the Fichtean self and nonself and the Sartrean being-in-itself and being-for-itself.



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